Attendee Application Sirenian Bay

The Amazing Sirenian Bay Experience is a limited-space, high-interest program. If you would like to be considered for participation, please complete the below application. Please ensure that you are able to participate in all excursions and parts of the event before submitting. 

Individual positions are awarded to qualified sellers at the discretion of event management. Please allow time for us to thoroughly review your information, as this process can be time-intensive. You may be contacted for further details if needed. We'll notify you of your eligibility once your application has been fully reviewed.

NOTE:  All fields need to be filled out in order for the application to submit. 


Please use proper capitalization. This information will be used on your badge.


Please ensure all questions are answered and your application is complete before submitting. Incomplete applications will be denied.

*Hold down CTRL key and click on each item to choose multiple items
*Hold down CTRL key and click on each item to choose multiple items
*Hold down CTRL key and click on each item to choose multiple items


Please ensure all questions are completed before submitting. Incomplete applications will be denied.

Supplier Reference #1
Supplier Reference #2
Agent Reference

By submitting this application for Amazing Destination Experience. I understand that if selected and accepted, I will be required to complete a participation agreement outlining my commitment to attend as a selected delegate.